Penobscot Valley Senior College
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    Give the Gift of "Learning for the Fun of It!"

    Are you wondering what holiday gift to get for a 50+ person in your life? Most people have more than enough "things."
    Why not consider a gift certificate for a PVSC membership or course? Contact Sheila K. at 207-659-1359 or if interested in purchasing.

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    Did you know that donations to PVSC  are used for scholarships for courses for registered PVSC members, and also supports PVSC programming? And, PVSC is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, so your donation is tax deductible.

Penobscot Valley Senior College! LEARNING FOR THE FUN OF IT!

Penobscot Valley Senior College (PVSC) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. We are dedicated to providing education, socialization, and fun to the lives of individuals ages 50 and older in our region. We are one of 17 active Senior Colleges in Maine stretching from Fort Kent to Kittery, as part of the Maine Senior College Network MSCN Home | maineseniorcollege.

PVSC provides a diverse curriculum of courses, presentations and events on a year-round basis. As an all-volunteer organization dedicated to life-long learning, our motto is "Learning for the Fun of It!"

We invite you to become a member, volunteer your time, share your expertise, and take a course or several.

Contact Information:
 PVSC 499 Broadway PMB #274 Bangor, ME 04401 
                                            207-659-1359  pvscmaine@gmail,com