Penobscot Valley Senior College
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Penobscot Valley Senior College Membership

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Register now for the 2025  membership year (Jan.1 - Dec. 31) online beginning November 16, 2024 or by mail.
Membership dues for 2025 remain the same-- Individual membership $25.00 and $40 for two people at the same household.
If you join as a first-time member and pay membership dues, you be able to register for our Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall 2025 courses as well as for our free One-Day Presentations (ODP) in January and May.
Register online or mail in the membership registration form with a check to PVSC.

In order to take courses or attend any presentations offered, you will need a current membership. Membership dues are used to fund our courses and special events. PVSC now has year-round four terms instead of only two, as well as One-Day Presentations (usually 1 to 1 1/2 hours in length) that are free with your membership!

In addition, Senior College Membership is reciprocal! When you become a member of your nearest Senior College, you may take courses at other Maine Senior Colleges by paying their course tuition, but without paying additional membership fees.

Great classes!
Health, history, science and nature, technology, literature, popular culture, art, politics, and more—these and other subjects make it hard to choose a course. 

Typically, the two-hour classes meet one day a week for four-six weeks. We have two official larger sessions, spring and fall, with a dozen or so choices each session. In addition, we offer smaller winter and summer sessions, with many One-Day Presentations added. However, with Zoom, depending on instructor availability, we've added extra courses throughout the year. Teachers, our "volunteer experts" are engaging, well-prepared, and you don't have to leave home to enjoy their offerings!

As mentioned, due to health and safety concerns, we switched in June of 2020 to offering "virtual" classes via Zoom. While we missed the face-to-face aspect, we adapted like so many other organizations. With virtual classes on Zoom, our members can connect while at home or away!
In the fall of 2022, we added back some in person courses, based first on the preference of our instructors, and then on location availability.
Zoom courses will continue, and those are recorded, and emailed to registered class members.  We also hope to provide a few  "hybrid model" courses or presentations in the where some attendees will be at the location, and some accessing remotely.

Our "One-Day Presentations" are available with anyone who is a current member of PVSC, or another Maine senior college member. Our PVSC members are also entitled to take courses at other Senior Colleges in Maine by paying just the tuition each college charges. It's a great deal!

Becoming a member
Click the link below for the application form that can

be mailed in if you prefer not to register online.
Annual membership is $25, or $40 for two people at the same address. Some people have asked, "Why does a couple membership get a discount?" The couple cost is discounted because our website lists "households", with one or two members of that household. Both members may list their email address, but only one is considered the primary billing person. "Some members prefer their information mailed, so only one mailed item, not two, is sent to a couple household, which reduces preparation and mailing costs.

Registering for classes
Online registration is easy, and you get an emailed receipt showing you've registered and fees are paid for the classes. While we hope that you feel comfortable registering on this secure website (look for the padlock secure icon), we know that some members prefer to mail in their registration and check. This is still an option.

Tuition for each course is $35. You must already be a member, or include the membership fee with your registration.
However, if you are a member of another Maine Senior College, call or email at 207-659-1359 or, and the membership fee will be adjusted so you can then either register online, or mail in your check without paying additional membership fees. What a bargain!

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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